
Online voting enables participants to vote and rank proposals securely and confidentially.

The advantages of online voting

Display of results as infographics for the administrator

Possibility to limit the number of votes per user

Identification system for voting access

Jenparle - Voting
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Discover the online voting tool in video

This video presents Jenparle's online voting tool

See a case study

Frequently asked questions

How does the authentication system work?
Votes can be authenticated not only by email, but also by a range of additional personal data, depending on the level of security required. Jenparle is also compatible with your company's internal identification systems.
How can we guarantee the confidentiality of votes?
Only administrators with access to this module can view votes that are not public. Our consultants can act as administrators to prevent members of your company from accessing confidential data.
How can I verify the identity of people taking part in online voting?
It is possible to verify the identity of people taking part in online voting by collecting personal data or using a double authentication system (sending a code by telephone or post).
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